Voip to be the Fastest Growing Industry in the USA | The Communication Blog

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Voip to be the Fastest Growing Industry in the USA

By Saul Saresi

Its been making inroads into all manner of markets fro years, and threatening to take off in a big way, but now, it seems, all of the potential is finally being realised and Voip is set to become the biggest US industry in just a few years time.

Trailing in Voip's wake in the list of the ten most dynamic industries are: Wind Power, E-commerce, Environmental Consulting, Biotechnology, Video Games, Solar Power, Third Party Administrators & Insurance Claim Adjusters, Correctional Facilities & Internet Publishing.

And the meteoric rise in the popularity of Voip is clear to see when you compare the growth of each of these industries for the period 2000 - 2010. During this time the sector saw growth of a phenomenal 194%, with the nearest competitor industry - Internet Publishing - registering a growth rate of just over 25%.

And in case you're thinking that the growth rate must be due to a multitude of technical factors, you'd be wrong, as its down to just one - cable. Thats right folks, Skpye still has a lot to learn from the world of cable, and accounts for just 3% of the total market.

When it comes to cable there are three broadband Voice Over IP categories; peer-to-peer systems (such as Skype), Virtual systems (where a special phone converts analogue data into digital data) and cable (which delivers broadband calls over a private cable network.)

That being said, it may seem strange that the corporate Voice Over IP market accounts for only twenty per cent of the industry. But seeing as how companies such as Microsoft are entering into partnerships with well established providers such as Skype, that market seems to have been earmarked for massive future potential.

And yet, it seems as though the future of Voip will be defined not by the domestic or even corporate marketplace, but by the mobile world - fueled by the rapid increase of Smartphone technology and handsets - which is set to increase exponentially for the foreseeable future.

Regardless of which sector shows the biggest or quickest profits over the coming years, the industry is only going to continue to grow at an exponential rate for many years to come, offering countless opportunities for all manner of Voice over IP based businesses. So when looking for a service provider, be sure you choose a company with a proven pedigree and track record.

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The Communication Blog
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