Tips on how to learn Korean | The Communication Blog

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tips on how to learn Korean

By Alexander Ralph

Understanding a new language tends to be enjoyable and interesting at the outset but before long, that initial enthusiasm may begin to fade. If you are learning Korean, and want to generate even further progress, I suggest the following basics to learn Korean.

First, get to know basic common Korean words

It's very important to know a few straightforward Korean words before you decide to learn about the grammar and phrases. Learning basic words is a comparatively straightforward process, and doing this will help you to develop confidence in learning Korean.

Pick words that you use regularly. For example, names of fruit, plants, animals and vegetables, and objects like desk, book, pencil, table and house that you come upon routinely in your life. This process helps you become trained to thinking them in their Korean names. Should you pick up a book, you could easily recall its name in Korean. Thus, solidifying what you've learned over and over again.

Listen to the pronunciation of the words and phrases you studied

Since you have memorized multiple Korean words and have learned to write. It is now essential you get the pronunciation right. All things considered, the point of learning Korean will be to comprehend native speakers talking in Korean.

Thus, I recommend that you go try to ask your Korean mates or co-workers to help you out with the pronunciation. Request that they pronounce it for your needs, allowing you to learn what they're saying in Korean. Also, you can use Google translate or Korean dictionary online to hear the sounds of phrases in Korean.

Learn Korean Grammar - First With Easy Ones!

Now that you're familiar with numerous Korean words and recognize them whenever you hear them, you should begin to learn Korean grammar. Studying basic sentence order will help you with constructing Korean sentences and use them whenever you can, especially to other speakers of Korean.

In addition, you should hear other native speakers on top of that, so that you will comprehend what they're saying in real life. There is little point in practising speaking in Korean in isolation whilst you cannot comprehend basic sentences spoken to you. So be sure to make use of listening tapes in addition to other listening materials as a way to develop your listening skills.

These rules will help you with your leaning of the Korean language. Building confidence is a vital area of learning. When you are confident about hearing and speaking several words and sentences that you have learned, you'll be likely to grow in other areas quicker as well such as reading, listening and speaking skills.

You'll also build momentum little by little since you will have established a good foundation of numerous Korean phrases and words with which you could make more complex sentences and phrases.

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The Communication Blog
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