Overcoming the Objection I Can't Afford It - Retail Sales Tips | The Communication Blog

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Overcoming the Objection I Can't Afford It - Retail Sales Tips

By Yuki Sano

Use these retail sales tips on overcoming the objection, 'I can't afford it,' to close more sales and make more money. If you lose sales because customers say they can't afford to buy then you have the answers and techniques to increase your sales and earnings right here. Read these retail selling tips, follow the instructions, and gain the rewards as many others have.

A course would be very valuable because sales keep the company operating and it should be the company's priority to have its staff trained appropriately. New employees should be trained especially if they have no prior experience in the industry. Basic training that assists the employees in professional handling of clients and customers can lead into increasing the company's sales and fortifying the company-customer relationship.

The training can also include up-selling products and services. This is a good way to increase the company's revenue. Customers are always ready to make purchases, but the employees should be well-trained to elicit curiosity and attraction to the products and services the company offers. A trained employee, especially one who works on a commission basis, can make use of add-on sales courses.

The reason behind this is that it is simple. Everyone knows what they are selling, and they also understand the features that they have. The product is the "What," the features are the "How," and the "Why" is the reason someone would want it and the mission of the company.

Now you are in a position to answer the objection of I can't afford it because you know it is a genuine retail objection and not a smoke screen. You have clearly defined the obstacle to the sale and you can now overcome it. Your actual answers will depend on the type of retail sales that you work in. What you should have ready is a list of possible ways that you can meet the customer's needs and make the product affordable. This list could include: Finance deals, payment plans, trade-in opportunities with you or a third party, similar products that give the same benefits but are less expensive. These are what you present as the solution to the objection. But they will not work if the true objection is that the customer has the money but it is allocated to be spent on something they see as more important. That's when you need the retail sales tips on building value.

Build the value of the item This retail sales tip is used when the customer has the means to buy, but the money is allocated for something they currently see as more important. Your job as a retail sales professional is to re-frame that viewpoint and show them the value, the benefits they will receive from the item. You have to influence the retail customer to see your product as being more beneficial to them than where they have allocated their available money or finance.

Nearly every book that I have ever read, concerning the subject of success, delivers the firm point that you need to know your "Why." Knowing what you are doing, or even how you are going to do it, will rarely keep you motivated enough to stay on course until the final goal is achieved. However, if you know do know your Why, and if it is big enough, you are far more likely to forge your way through the difficult times.

Sales training courses are very important, and no matter what the cost of having your employees trained, chances are that the effort will be paid by the sales the employees generate using the knowledge they acquire from the training. This is the best long-term investment a company can have.

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