Enhance Your Articles By Using Stories | The Communication Blog

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Enhance Your Articles By Using Stories

By Josh Sands

For more than 100 years, stories have been used to persuade and entertain. Stories fascinate all people regardless of age or culture. Which means anyone can use them in virtually any situation. Stories have an effect on us deeply for a variety of reasons. One of their most reliable uses is in marketing messages. The human intellect deeply resonates with stories. Marketing and advertising is about human emotions because all buying decisions are based on emotions and not reasoning.

Creating marketing and advertising messages can be very challenging. People nowadays are extremely skeptical, and for good reason. There are a number of reasons for this skeptical attitude. When you add a story in your article, you can bypass the skeptical mindset. You stimulate your readers' imagination when you tell a story well. The emotional attraction of the story bypasses the reader's inherent skepticism. Our emotions are a lot more powerful than our logic.

It's fine to use your assorted facts and figures within the story you are telling. That is a far cry considerably more interesting, and significantly less obvious, than making a list of dry facts and figures. When carried out that manner, the reader is aware all along that there is a sell going on. That notion immediately sends off alarms, bells and whistles in the mind of the reader. The truth is, when the person who reads is engrossed in what is going on in the story, there is much less chance your facts will be viewed the same way. This is the miracle of using stories as part of your marketing presentations.

Look at the common sales letter that is used everywhere on the Internet. Benefits and features of the product are all they talk about. You can incorporate feature and benefits within the plot of a story to make them much more interesting. Defining your main goal will give you a good start on your story. With a bit of imagination, a story will emerge. Your story needs to be well engineered, but written in a relaxed style.

Make a point of doing this along with your next writing project. Think of it as an experiment that not one person will ever see. There is not going to be any anxiety with this method. Be prepared for an enjoyable surprise after you write because of this attitude. Great copywriters have referenced this technique for over 100 years.

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