Ever since the emergence of trading cards, many people have gone into this craze and have been participating in tournaments or contests that involve these types of things. Trading card or simply TCG games have been very popular for the past few years as so many gamers never get tired of playing. Here is a list of some of the most popular of these that have emerged over the past years.
A lot of people will probably know about the ever popular Pokemon trading card game that has been a huge fad ever since the series came out. Even until today, the Pokemon franchise is still maintaining its dominance by creating more comics, more television shows, and of course more trading cards. The reason why this game can appeal to so many people is that it is a game that people of all ages can play.
Next to that would actually be the Yu Gi Oh game or simply Duel Monsters. These cards first came out when the Yu Gi Oh comics and series came out into the world market. As the shows depict the characters playing a card game, many fans also wanted to emulate what the characters in the show were doing.
A similar game is none other than Duel Masters which is actually made to be sort of like Duel Monsters. The only difference is that the game play is much harder and needs more thinking and strategy making. As compared to Duel Monsters, the moves are more complicated and indirect.
Everyone is probably familiar with Magic the Gathering. Although not as popular as the first three that were mentioned, it still also has its own market. The great thing about these cards is that the moves of the characters are very creative and unique and will require some thinking on how to execute them.
The Lord of the Rings card game is very famous to be the most complex and complicated out of all card games. It will take a lot of hard and indirect strategies in order to win against the opponent. For that reason, this kind of game will appeal to the older generation like the people who are in their twenties up to forties.
A very easy game to play would be the Harry Potter trading card game which is actually targeted to younger audiences. Now the game play here is quite easy as compared to the others since the target market of this game is more on the young age group like children ranging even up to teenagers. It also boasts a very beautiful card design for those who like admiring their deck.
So for those who are familiar with TCG games, these are probably already familiar names. These franchises were by far the most popular in the past years and stood the test of time. Until today many people still play these games because they are very entertaining and is something that one can do during spare time.
A lot of people will probably know about the ever popular Pokemon trading card game that has been a huge fad ever since the series came out. Even until today, the Pokemon franchise is still maintaining its dominance by creating more comics, more television shows, and of course more trading cards. The reason why this game can appeal to so many people is that it is a game that people of all ages can play.
Next to that would actually be the Yu Gi Oh game or simply Duel Monsters. These cards first came out when the Yu Gi Oh comics and series came out into the world market. As the shows depict the characters playing a card game, many fans also wanted to emulate what the characters in the show were doing.
A similar game is none other than Duel Masters which is actually made to be sort of like Duel Monsters. The only difference is that the game play is much harder and needs more thinking and strategy making. As compared to Duel Monsters, the moves are more complicated and indirect.
Everyone is probably familiar with Magic the Gathering. Although not as popular as the first three that were mentioned, it still also has its own market. The great thing about these cards is that the moves of the characters are very creative and unique and will require some thinking on how to execute them.
The Lord of the Rings card game is very famous to be the most complex and complicated out of all card games. It will take a lot of hard and indirect strategies in order to win against the opponent. For that reason, this kind of game will appeal to the older generation like the people who are in their twenties up to forties.
A very easy game to play would be the Harry Potter trading card game which is actually targeted to younger audiences. Now the game play here is quite easy as compared to the others since the target market of this game is more on the young age group like children ranging even up to teenagers. It also boasts a very beautiful card design for those who like admiring their deck.
So for those who are familiar with TCG games, these are probably already familiar names. These franchises were by far the most popular in the past years and stood the test of time. Until today many people still play these games because they are very entertaining and is something that one can do during spare time.
The Communication Blog
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