Network Terms For Dummies | The Communication Blog

Friday, April 29, 2011

Network Terms For Dummies

By Dirik Hameed

If networking terms puzzle you, this should hopefully explain some of the main ones.

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line or ADSL, is a popular and prevalent internet connection for home users in the UK.

IP Transit - an internet connection provided by a transit provider.

Atom - similar to RSS but is newer and offers a greater range of facilities. It is still being developed but is becoming more common place. It is also an XML based specification like RSS.

Bandwidth - the total of information you can send through a connection. This is commonly measured in megabits per second (Mbps) or kilobits per second (Kbps).

Blog - similar to an online journal where a person or society may publish its thoughts or opinions, but can also publish facts. Often updated at least once a week and normally roughly daily and is arranged chronologically in order.

A generic high speed internet connection- faster than a standard modem.

Co-location - where an individual or company host their own server / hardware with an ISP.

DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol distributes IP addresses dynamically to clients on a network.

DNS - domain name system is a mechanasim that takes a domain name and translates it into an IP address.

Domain name - a 100% unique combination of letters and numbers used to locate a website. Domain names have three sections to them- in the centre a dot, separating the name, and at the end a tld or domain ending such as .com.

Ethernet - a standard networking method via a LAN, with varying speeds.

Firewall - used to keep the bad guys out. Provides protection and filtering of certain traffic.

FTP - file transfer Protocol, a method used to upload and download files on the internet.

Host - a client on a network that provides services to other computers or clients on that network.

HTTP or HyperText Transfer Protocol allows hypertext files to be transfered from the internet. HTTP is best known for loading websites.

IMAP is slowly replacing POP for accessing email. IMAP allows for email to be accessed and manipulated on a remote server. IMAP allows for greater control over email as they can be stored, emailed etc and shared between groups where POP email can't.

IPv4 or Internet Protocol version 4 is the most used internet protocol. IPv4 has a maximum of four billion IP Numbers (technically 232) but due to the way it was designed this is actually less than that due to some inefficiencies.

IPv6 is a new technology that allows for a greater amount of IP addresses.

LAN - local area network, commonly used in small organisations.

A network is quite simply when two computers are connected.

Where would I find these services? IP transit provider are experts in providing these kind of services

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The Communication Blog
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