Why Are Georeferenced Geological Maps Important For Petroleum Exploration? | The Communication Blog

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why Are Georeferenced Geological Maps Important For Petroleum Exploration?

By Helan Meher

I'm certain you all must have read about geological maps. These geological maps are well-structured geographical records that make use of a systematic system of colors along with, special symbols for denoting a particular location. When geographical surveys are performed on selected regions of a community, metropolis or a state and, the recorded information is preserved as tabulated pages, for further reference, it's named georeferenced geological map. These georeferenced geological maps are very important from the geographical plus topographic viewpoint.

Georeferenced geological maps supply details on mineral stores, soil composition, sources of energy, fossils, river basins, woodlands, mountain ranges, important constructions, natural landscapes, man-made structures, leading tracks, sea routes as well as other such topographical features.

Generally, these georeferenced geological maps are used for locating the natural resources found in the earth crust. In the following paragraphs, we shall focus on the use of these maps for petroleum exploration.

As we know, the term petroleum is derived from a Latin term which means "Liquid gold". Petroleum is a widely used fossil fuel manufactured from the ruins of historical animals and plants. When these organisms perished, their carcasses were affected by extreme pressure and heat, inside the earth crust, over the centuries. Because of these forces, their dead bodies were transformed into coal and petroleum. As a consequence, petroleum was formed.

These days, petroleum is utilized as a significant fuel for operating cars and machines in industries. There are limited territories on earth that include petroleum stocks. This fuel is produced onshore and offshore. Each year, several business people invest their money in the petroleum and coal trade. As a result, they must have upgraded information regarding these natural stores. As a result, they use geological maps for petroleum exploration.

The geological maps used in petroleum exploration highlight principal petroleum containing places of the planet. The information utilized in drawing these geological maps is obtained by conducting surveys of various regions. Additionally, the photos captured by meteorological satellites is also useful for reference. These maps point out several points that need to be considered while constructing oil refineries in these locations. Therefore, students, researchers and scientists use these maps for gathering information.

And so, several people dealing in coal and petroleum refer to these georeferenced geological maps for petroleum exploration. Your money is precious, you just can't invest in any place. The charges of setting up refineries and mines is quite high as a result, business people should utilize these maps very cautiously.

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